Safety and medical aid
Each participant of Letecká stovka race is obligated to consider his/her bodily and mental qualifications for participation in an ultra trail event and to get sure about his/her suitable health state before the event.
The Letecká stovka race participants are strongly recommended by Letecká stovka race organizer to complete an individual medical examination before the Letecká stovka race, particularly in the case that the participant overcame infectious disease (angina, flu etc.) for the period of last six to eight weeks before the start of the Letecká stovka race.
Each participant must carry an isothermal blanket!
In case of any questions related to the safety please contact the Letecká stovka race organizer. In case of any doubt and questions regarding your health state please contact the G.P. or a specialist, or consider your participation in Letecká stovka.
Medical aid:
Medical kits will be available at staffed checkpoints with equipment for minor injuries treatment. There will be medics present during the Letecká stovka race (not in passages between the staffed checkpoints).
In case of serious injury or health problem occurred on the race course beside the checkpoints (especially in difficult terrain) immediately contact the emergency telephone number 112 (mobile phone is a part of the mandatory equipment).
Letecká stovka participant is obliged to provide help to other participant in emergency case.